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At every point of time, page exposes its current frame tree via the Page#main_frame and Frame#child_frames methods.

Frame object's lifecycle is controlled by three events, dispatched on the page object:

  • [event: Page.frameAttached] - fired when the frame gets attached to the page. A Frame can be attached to the page only once.
  • [event: Page.frameNavigated] - fired when the frame commits navigation to a different URL.
  • [event: Page.frameDetached] - fired when the frame gets detached from the page. A Frame can be detached from the page only once.

An example of dumping frame tree:

def dump_frame_tree(frame, indent = 0)
puts "#{' ' * indent}#{}@#{frame.url}"
frame.child_frames.each do |child|
dump_frame_tree(child, indent + 2)



def add_script_tag(content: nil, path: nil, type: nil, url: nil)

Returns the added tag when the script's onload fires or when the script content was injected into frame.

Adds a <script> tag into the page with the desired url or content.


def add_style_tag(content: nil, path: nil, url: nil)

Returns the added tag when the stylesheet's onload fires or when the CSS content was injected into frame.

Adds a <link rel="stylesheet"> tag into the page with the desired url or a <style type="text/css"> tag with the content.


def check(
force: nil,
noWaitAfter: nil,
position: nil,
strict: nil,
timeout: nil,
trial: nil)

This method checks an element matching selector by performing the following steps:

  1. Find an element matching selector. If there is none, wait until a matching element is attached to the DOM.
  2. Ensure that matched element is a checkbox or a radio input. If not, this method throws. If the element is already checked, this method returns immediately.
  3. Wait for actionability checks on the matched element, unless force option is set. If the element is detached during the checks, the whole action is retried.
  4. Scroll the element into view if needed.
  5. Use Page#mouse to click in the center of the element.
  6. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless noWaitAfter option is set.
  7. Ensure that the element is now checked. If not, this method throws.

When all steps combined have not finished during the specified timeout, this method throws a TimeoutError. Passing zero timeout disables this.


def child_frames


def click(
button: nil,
clickCount: nil,
delay: nil,
force: nil,
modifiers: nil,
noWaitAfter: nil,
position: nil,
strict: nil,
timeout: nil,
trial: nil)

This method clicks an element matching selector by performing the following steps:

  1. Find an element matching selector. If there is none, wait until a matching element is attached to the DOM.
  2. Wait for actionability checks on the matched element, unless force option is set. If the element is detached during the checks, the whole action is retried.
  3. Scroll the element into view if needed.
  4. Use Page#mouse to click in the center of the element, or the specified position.
  5. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless noWaitAfter option is set.

When all steps combined have not finished during the specified timeout, this method throws a TimeoutError. Passing zero timeout disables this.


def content

Gets the full HTML contents of the frame, including the doctype.


def dblclick(
button: nil,
delay: nil,
force: nil,
modifiers: nil,
noWaitAfter: nil,
position: nil,
strict: nil,
timeout: nil,
trial: nil)

This method double clicks an element matching selector by performing the following steps:

  1. Find an element matching selector. If there is none, wait until a matching element is attached to the DOM.
  2. Wait for actionability checks on the matched element, unless force option is set. If the element is detached during the checks, the whole action is retried.
  3. Scroll the element into view if needed.
  4. Use Page#mouse to double click in the center of the element, or the specified position.
  5. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless noWaitAfter option is set. Note that if the first click of the dblclick() triggers a navigation event, this method will throw.

When all steps combined have not finished during the specified timeout, this method throws a TimeoutError. Passing zero timeout disables this.

NOTE: frame.dblclick() dispatches two click events and a single dblclick event.


def dispatch_event(
eventInit: nil,
strict: nil,
timeout: nil)

The snippet below dispatches the click event on the element. Regardless of the visibility state of the element, click is dispatched. This is equivalent to calling


frame.dispatch_event("button#submit", "click")

Under the hood, it creates an instance of an event based on the given type, initializes it with eventInit properties and dispatches it on the element. Events are composed, cancelable and bubble by default.

Since eventInit is event-specific, please refer to the events documentation for the lists of initial properties:

You can also specify JSHandle as the property value if you want live objects to be passed into the event:

# note you can only create data_transfer in chromium and firefox
data_transfer = frame.evaluate_handle("new DataTransfer()")
frame.dispatch_event("#source", "dragstart", eventInit: { dataTransfer: data_transfer })


def drag_and_drop(
force: nil,
noWaitAfter: nil,
sourcePosition: nil,
strict: nil,
targetPosition: nil,
timeout: nil,
trial: nil)


def eval_on_selector(selector, expression, arg: nil, strict: nil)

Returns the return value of expression.

The method finds an element matching the specified selector within the frame and passes it as a first argument to expression. If no elements match the selector, the method throws an error.

If expression returns a Promise, then Frame#eval_on_selector would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.


search_value = frame.eval_on_selector("#search", "el => el.value")
preload_href = frame.eval_on_selector("link[rel=preload]", "el => el.href")
html = frame.eval_on_selector(".main-container", "(e, suffix) => e.outerHTML + suffix", arg: "hello")


def eval_on_selector_all(selector, expression, arg: nil)

Returns the return value of expression.

The method finds all elements matching the specified selector within the frame and passes an array of matched elements as a first argument to expression.

If expression returns a Promise, then Frame#eval_on_selector_all would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.


divs_counts = frame.eval_on_selector_all("div", "(divs, min) => divs.length >= min", arg: 10)


def evaluate(expression, arg: nil)

Returns the return value of expression.

If the function passed to the Frame#evaluate returns a Promise, then Frame#evaluate would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.

If the function passed to the Frame#evaluate returns a non-Serializable value, then Frame#evaluate returns undefined. Playwright also supports transferring some additional values that are not serializable by JSON: -0, NaN, Infinity, -Infinity.


result = frame.evaluate("([x, y]) => Promise.resolve(x * y)", arg: [7, 8])
puts result # => "56"

A string can also be passed in instead of a function.

puts frame.evaluate("1 + 2") # => 3
x = 10
puts frame.evaluate("1 + #{x}") # => "11"

ElementHandle instances can be passed as an argument to the Frame#evaluate:

body_handle = frame.query_selector("body")
html = frame.evaluate("([body, suffix]) => body.innerHTML + suffix", arg: [body_handle, "hello"])


def evaluate_handle(expression, arg: nil)

Returns the return value of expression as a JSHandle.

The only difference between Frame#evaluate and Frame#evaluate_handle is that Frame#evaluate_handle returns JSHandle.

If the function, passed to the Frame#evaluate_handle, returns a Promise, then Frame#evaluate_handle would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.


a_window_handle = frame.evaluate_handle("Promise.resolve(window)")
a_window_handle # handle for the window object.

A string can also be passed in instead of a function.

a_handle = page.evaluate_handle("document") # handle for the "document"

JSHandle instances can be passed as an argument to the Frame#evaluate_handle:

body_handle = page.evaluate_handle("document.body")
result_handle = page.evaluate_handle("body => body.innerHTML", arg: body_handle)
puts result_handle.json_value


def fill(
force: nil,
noWaitAfter: nil,
strict: nil,
timeout: nil)

This method waits for an element matching selector, waits for actionability checks, focuses the element, fills it and triggers an input event after filling. Note that you can pass an empty string to clear the input field.

If the target element is not an <input>, <textarea> or [contenteditable] element, this method throws an error. However, if the element is inside the <label> element that has an associated control, the control will be filled instead.

To send fine-grained keyboard events, use Frame#type.


def focus(selector, strict: nil, timeout: nil)

This method fetches an element with selector and focuses it. If there's no element matching selector, the method waits until a matching element appears in the DOM.


def frame_element

Returns the frame or iframe element handle which corresponds to this frame.

This is an inverse of ElementHandle#content_frame. Note that returned handle actually belongs to the parent frame.

This method throws an error if the frame has been detached before frameElement() returns.


frame_element = frame.frame_element
content_frame = frame_element.content_frame
puts frame == content_frame # => true


def frame_locator(selector)

When working with iframes, you can create a frame locator that will enter the iframe and allow selecting elements in that iframe.


Following snippet locates element with text "Submit" in the iframe with id my-frame, like <iframe id="my-frame">:

locator = frame.frame_locator("#my-iframe").get_by_text("Submit")


def get_attribute(selector, name, strict: nil, timeout: nil)

Returns element attribute value.


def get_by_alt_text(text, exact: nil)

Allows locating elements by their alt text.


For example, this method will find the image by alt text "Playwright logo":

<img alt='Playwright logo'>
page.get_by_alt_text("Playwright logo").click


def get_by_label(text, exact: nil)

Allows locating input elements by the text of the associated <label> or aria-labelledby element, or by the aria-label attribute.


For example, this method will find inputs by label "Username" and "Password" in the following DOM:

<input aria-label="Username">
<label for="password-input">Password:</label>
<input id="password-input">


def get_by_placeholder(text, exact: nil)

Allows locating input elements by the placeholder text.


For example, consider the following DOM structure.

<input type="email" placeholder="" />

You can fill the input after locating it by the placeholder text:



def get_by_role(
checked: nil,
disabled: nil,
exact: nil,
expanded: nil,
includeHidden: nil,
level: nil,
name: nil,
pressed: nil,
selected: nil)

Allows locating elements by their ARIA role, ARIA attributes and accessible name.


Consider the following DOM structure.

<h3>Sign up</h3>
<input type="checkbox" /> Subscribe

You can locate each element by it's implicit role:

page.get_by_role("heading", name: "Sign up").visible? # => true
page.get_by_role("checkbox", name: "Subscribe").check
page.get_by_role("button", name: /submit/i).click


Role selector does not replace accessibility audits and conformance tests, but rather gives early feedback about the ARIA guidelines.

Many html elements have an implicitly defined role that is recognized by the role selector. You can find all the supported roles here. ARIA guidelines do not recommend duplicating implicit roles and attributes by setting role and/or aria-* attributes to default values.


def get_by_test_id(testId)

Locate element by the test id.


Consider the following DOM structure.

<button data-testid="directions">Itinéraire</button>

You can locate the element by it's test id:



By default, the data-testid attribute is used as a test id. Use Selectors#set_test_id_attribute to configure a different test id attribute if necessary.


def get_by_text(text, exact: nil)

Allows locating elements that contain given text.

See also Locator#filter that allows to match by another criteria, like an accessible role, and then filter by the text content.


Consider the following DOM structure:

<div>Hello <span>world</span></div>

You can locate by text substring, exact string, or a regular expression:

page.content = <<~HTML
<div>Hello <span>world</span></div>

# Matches <span>
locator = page.get_by_text("world")
expect(locator.evaluate('e => e.outerHTML')).to eq('<span>world</span>')

# Matches first <div>
locator = page.get_by_text("Hello world")
expect(locator.evaluate('e => e.outerHTML')).to eq('<div>Hello <span>world</span></div>')

# Matches second <div>
locator = page.get_by_text("Hello", exact: true)
expect(locator.evaluate('e => e.outerHTML')).to eq('<div>Hello</div>')

# Matches both <div>s
locator = page.get_by_text(/Hello/)
expect(locator.count).to eq(2)
expect(locator.first.evaluate('e => e.outerHTML')).to eq('<div>Hello <span>world</span></div>')
expect(locator.last.evaluate('e => e.outerHTML')).to eq('<div>Hello</div>')

# Matches second <div>
locator = page.get_by_text(/^hello$/i)
expect(locator.evaluate('e => e.outerHTML')).to eq('<div>Hello</div>')


Matching by text always normalizes whitespace, even with exact match. For example, it turns multiple spaces into one, turns line breaks into spaces and ignores leading and trailing whitespace.

Input elements of the type button and submit are matched by their value instead of the text content. For example, locating by text "Log in" matches <input type=button value="Log in">.


def get_by_title(text, exact: nil)

Allows locating elements by their title attribute.


Consider the following DOM structure.

<span title='Issues count'>25 issues</span>

You can check the issues count after locating it by the title text:

page.get_by_title("Issues count").text_content # => "25 issues"


def goto(url, referer: nil, timeout: nil, waitUntil: nil)

Returns the main resource response. In case of multiple redirects, the navigation will resolve with the response of the last redirect.

The method will throw an error if:

  • there's an SSL error (e.g. in case of self-signed certificates).
  • target URL is invalid.
  • the timeout is exceeded during navigation.
  • the remote server does not respond or is unreachable.
  • the main resource failed to load.

The method will not throw an error when any valid HTTP status code is returned by the remote server, including 404 "Not Found" and 500 "Internal Server Error". The status code for such responses can be retrieved by calling Response#status.

NOTE: The method either throws an error or returns a main resource response. The only exceptions are navigation to about:blank or navigation to the same URL with a different hash, which would succeed and return null.

NOTE: Headless mode doesn't support navigation to a PDF document. See the upstream issue.


def hover(
force: nil,
modifiers: nil,
noWaitAfter: nil,
position: nil,
strict: nil,
timeout: nil,
trial: nil)

This method hovers over an element matching selector by performing the following steps:

  1. Find an element matching selector. If there is none, wait until a matching element is attached to the DOM.
  2. Wait for actionability checks on the matched element, unless force option is set. If the element is detached during the checks, the whole action is retried.
  3. Scroll the element into view if needed.
  4. Use Page#mouse to hover over the center of the element, or the specified position.
  5. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless noWaitAfter option is set.

When all steps combined have not finished during the specified timeout, this method throws a TimeoutError. Passing zero timeout disables this.


def inner_html(selector, strict: nil, timeout: nil)

Returns element.innerHTML.


def inner_text(selector, strict: nil, timeout: nil)

Returns element.innerText.


def input_value(selector, strict: nil, timeout: nil)

Returns input.value for the selected <input> or <textarea> or <select> element.

Throws for non-input elements. However, if the element is inside the <label> element that has an associated control, returns the value of the control.


def checked?(selector, strict: nil, timeout: nil)

Returns whether the element is checked. Throws if the element is not a checkbox or radio input.


def detached?

Returns true if the frame has been detached, or false otherwise.


def disabled?(selector, strict: nil, timeout: nil)

Returns whether the element is disabled, the opposite of enabled.


def editable?(selector, strict: nil, timeout: nil)

Returns whether the element is editable.


def enabled?(selector, strict: nil, timeout: nil)

Returns whether the element is enabled.


def hidden?(selector, strict: nil, timeout: nil)

Returns whether the element is hidden, the opposite of visible. selector that does not match any elements is considered hidden.


def visible?(selector, strict: nil, timeout: nil)

Returns whether the element is visible. selector that does not match any elements is considered not visible.


def locator(
has: nil,
hasNot: nil,
hasNotText: nil,
hasText: nil)

The method returns an element locator that can be used to perform actions on this page / frame. Locator is resolved to the element immediately before performing an action, so a series of actions on the same locator can in fact be performed on different DOM elements. That would happen if the DOM structure between those actions has changed.

Learn more about locators.

Learn more about locators.


def name

Returns frame's name attribute as specified in the tag.

If the name is empty, returns the id attribute instead.

NOTE: This value is calculated once when the frame is created, and will not update if the attribute is changed later.


def page

Returns the page containing this frame.


def parent_frame

Parent frame, if any. Detached frames and main frames return null.


def press(
delay: nil,
noWaitAfter: nil,
strict: nil,
timeout: nil)

key can specify the intended keyboardEvent.key value or a single character to generate the text for. A superset of the key values can be found here. Examples of the keys are:

F1 - F12, Digit0- Digit9, KeyA- KeyZ, Backquote, Minus, Equal, Backslash, Backspace, Tab, Delete, Escape, ArrowDown, End, Enter, Home, Insert, PageDown, PageUp, ArrowRight, ArrowUp, etc.

Following modification shortcuts are also supported: Shift, Control, Alt, Meta, ShiftLeft.

Holding down Shift will type the text that corresponds to the key in the upper case.

If key is a single character, it is case-sensitive, so the values a and A will generate different respective texts.

Shortcuts such as key: "Control+o" or key: "Control+Shift+T" are supported as well. When specified with the modifier, modifier is pressed and being held while the subsequent key is being pressed.


def query_selector(selector, strict: nil)

Returns the ElementHandle pointing to the frame element.

NOTE: The use of ElementHandle is discouraged, use Locator objects and web-first assertions instead.

The method finds an element matching the specified selector within the frame. If no elements match the selector, returns null.


def query_selector_all(selector)

Returns the ElementHandles pointing to the frame elements.

NOTE: The use of ElementHandle is discouraged, use Locator objects instead.

The method finds all elements matching the specified selector within the frame. If no elements match the selector, returns empty array.


def select_option(
element: nil,
index: nil,
value: nil,
label: nil,
force: nil,
noWaitAfter: nil,
strict: nil,
timeout: nil)

This method waits for an element matching selector, waits for actionability checks, waits until all specified options are present in the <select> element and selects these options.

If the target element is not a <select> element, this method throws an error. However, if the element is inside the <label> element that has an associated control, the control will be used instead.

Returns the array of option values that have been successfully selected.

Triggers a change and input event once all the provided options have been selected.


# single selection matching the value
frame.select_option("select#colors", value: "blue")
# single selection matching both the label
frame.select_option("select#colors", label: "blue")
# multiple selection
frame.select_option("select#colors", value: ["red", "green", "blue"])


def set_checked(
force: nil,
noWaitAfter: nil,
position: nil,
strict: nil,
timeout: nil,
trial: nil)

This method checks or unchecks an element matching selector by performing the following steps:

  1. Find an element matching selector. If there is none, wait until a matching element is attached to the DOM.
  2. Ensure that matched element is a checkbox or a radio input. If not, this method throws.
  3. If the element already has the right checked state, this method returns immediately.
  4. Wait for actionability checks on the matched element, unless force option is set. If the element is detached during the checks, the whole action is retried.
  5. Scroll the element into view if needed.
  6. Use Page#mouse to click in the center of the element.
  7. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless noWaitAfter option is set.
  8. Ensure that the element is now checked or unchecked. If not, this method throws.

When all steps combined have not finished during the specified timeout, this method throws a TimeoutError. Passing zero timeout disables this.


def set_content(html, timeout: nil, waitUntil: nil)

alias: content=


def set_input_files(
noWaitAfter: nil,
strict: nil,
timeout: nil)

Sets the value of the file input to these file paths or files. If some of the filePaths are relative paths, then they are resolved relative to the current working directory. For empty array, clears the selected files.

This method expects selector to point to an input element. However, if the element is inside the <label> element that has an associated control, targets the control instead.


def tap_point(
force: nil,
modifiers: nil,
noWaitAfter: nil,
position: nil,
strict: nil,
timeout: nil,
trial: nil)

This method taps an element matching selector by performing the following steps:

  1. Find an element matching selector. If there is none, wait until a matching element is attached to the DOM.
  2. Wait for actionability checks on the matched element, unless force option is set. If the element is detached during the checks, the whole action is retried.
  3. Scroll the element into view if needed.
  4. Use Page#touchscreen to tap the center of the element, or the specified position.
  5. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless noWaitAfter option is set.

When all steps combined have not finished during the specified timeout, this method throws a TimeoutError. Passing zero timeout disables this.

NOTE: frame.tap() requires that the hasTouch option of the browser context be set to true.


def text_content(selector, strict: nil, timeout: nil)

Returns element.textContent.


def title

Returns the page title.


def type(
delay: nil,
noWaitAfter: nil,
strict: nil,
timeout: nil)

Sends a keydown, keypress/input, and keyup event for each character in the text. frame.type can be used to send fine-grained keyboard events. To fill values in form fields, use Frame#fill.

To press a special key, like Control or ArrowDown, use Keyboard#press.


frame.type("#mytextarea", "hello") # types instantly
frame.type("#mytextarea", "world", delay: 100) # types slower, like a user


def uncheck(
force: nil,
noWaitAfter: nil,
position: nil,
strict: nil,
timeout: nil,
trial: nil)

This method checks an element matching selector by performing the following steps:

  1. Find an element matching selector. If there is none, wait until a matching element is attached to the DOM.
  2. Ensure that matched element is a checkbox or a radio input. If not, this method throws. If the element is already unchecked, this method returns immediately.
  3. Wait for actionability checks on the matched element, unless force option is set. If the element is detached during the checks, the whole action is retried.
  4. Scroll the element into view if needed.
  5. Use Page#mouse to click in the center of the element.
  6. Wait for initiated navigations to either succeed or fail, unless noWaitAfter option is set.
  7. Ensure that the element is now unchecked. If not, this method throws.

When all steps combined have not finished during the specified timeout, this method throws a TimeoutError. Passing zero timeout disables this.


def url

Returns frame's url.


def wait_for_function(expression, arg: nil, polling: nil, timeout: nil)

Returns when the expression returns a truthy value, returns that value.


The Frame#wait_for_function can be used to observe viewport size change:

frame.evaluate("window.x = 0; setTimeout(() => { window.x = 100 }, 1000);")
frame.wait_for_function("() => window.x > 0")

To pass an argument to the predicate of frame.waitForFunction function:

selector = ".foo"
frame.wait_for_function("selector => !!document.querySelector(selector)", arg: selector)


def wait_for_load_state(state: nil, timeout: nil)

Waits for the required load state to be reached.

This returns when the frame reaches a required load state, load by default. The navigation must have been committed when this method is called. If current document has already reached the required state, resolves immediately.

Usage"button") # click triggers navigation.
frame.wait_for_load_state # the promise resolves after "load" event.


def expect_navigation(timeout: nil, url: nil, waitUntil: nil, &block)

Waits for the frame navigation and returns the main resource response. In case of multiple redirects, the navigation will resolve with the response of the last redirect. In case of navigation to a different anchor or navigation due to History API usage, the navigation will resolve with null.


This method waits for the frame to navigate to a new URL. It is useful for when you run code which will indirectly cause the frame to navigate. Consider this example:

frame.expect_navigation do"a.delayed-navigation") # clicking the link will indirectly cause a navigation
end # Resolves after navigation has finished

NOTE: Usage of the History API to change the URL is considered a navigation.


def wait_for_selector(selector, state: nil, strict: nil, timeout: nil)

Returns when element specified by selector satisfies state option. Returns null if waiting for hidden or detached.

NOTE: Playwright automatically waits for element to be ready before performing an action. Using Locator objects and web-first assertions make the code wait-for-selector-free.

Wait for the selector to satisfy state option (either appear/disappear from dom, or become visible/hidden). If at the moment of calling the method selector already satisfies the condition, the method will return immediately. If the selector doesn't satisfy the condition for the timeout milliseconds, the function will throw.


This method works across navigations:

%w[].each do |current_url|
page.goto(current_url, waitUntil: "domcontentloaded")
frame = page.main_frame
element = frame.wait_for_selector("img")
puts "Loaded image: #{element["src"]}"


def wait_for_timeout(timeout)

Waits for the given timeout in milliseconds.

Note that frame.waitForTimeout() should only be used for debugging. Tests using the timer in production are going to be flaky. Use signals such as network events, selectors becoming visible and others instead.


def wait_for_url(url, timeout: nil, waitUntil: nil)

Waits for the frame to navigate to the given URL.

Usage"a.delayed-navigation") # clicking the link will indirectly cause a navigation